…This thing called FEAR has really crippled us from experiencing life. We fear failure so we don’t try, we fear pain so we don’t love, we fear change so we stay complacent, we fear death so we don’t live life! … Continue reading
Category Archives: Blog

I love this picture. Having two bostons, I could just imagine how much fun this guy was having with all those people and colors dancing around everywhere at Carnival. This image captures it perfectly. [source link]
Beautiful View

I love this image, I definitely need to invest in a better lens. Check out more of this house here, while I figure out how to sell enough donuts to buy this.
Da plane, da plane!!

Apparently, the iPhone 4 takes pretty good pictures. Here are some of shots from the plane. As much as I don’t care about flying, especially things like turbulence, and birds, and lightning… anyway, visuals like this help ease the mind, … Continue reading